Pos Cinta

{ Pos Cinta } [ meaning: ‘Love Postal’ ] started as a voluntary short course on journal writing for 20 students of KAMPUS DIAKONEIA MODERN (KDM), a non-profit foundation which focuses on rescuing and educating abandoned street children. Many of these unfortunate children bear creative potentials and admirable dreams, regardless of their pasts from surviving on the streets without any parental protection. With an age range of 12-17 years old, the students were specifically guided to contemplate on their childhood memories through writing a short journal, using metaphors, editing the prose, and finally presenting the work. Many of their writings convey powerful values on love and family. The next program of Pos Cinta was teaching these students a simple serigraphy technique. Fragments of their writings are then printed onto T-shirts and sold as souvenirs. A year later, I designed a special edition PERMATABANK PRIORITY calendar 2018, which included 12 selected fragments and the story of Pos Cinta. PERMATABANK sponsored this project further and created a charity account designated for the welfare of around 60 children reared in KDM.

  • Format
    1. A Short Course on Journal Writing
    2. Corporate Calendar for PERMATABANK PRIORITY
  • RoleProject Owner
    Graphic Designer
    Lettering Artist
  • Patron of ArtPermataBank Priority
  • CommencementMarch 2016