{ Grow } is an illustrated fiction on cyber-bullying and decision making, sponsored by PERMATABANK. I wrote this story to honor victims of cyberbullying and peer pressure. This issue is so sensitive amongst family members that it often goes undiscussed until it is too late. As a parent, I strive to maintain open and ongoing communication with my children without dishonoring their decision to solve their personal problems on their own. It is evident that parents need to have candid discussions about handling money and spending priorities. It takes enormous bravery to discover one’s unique qualities, especially when these traits are not in line with common practices. So, having these kinds of social struggles actually indicates how special the person is. These struggles empower one to be better and to celebrate what makes them exceptional. In writing this book I wanted to reveal that when we find the courage to align our social practices with our higher selves, we open ourselves up to boundless possibilities.